Midwest Blue Oval Club

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Blue Oval Members
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Membership Information

Ready to Register?

You can register online or print out the registration form below!

Would you like to become a member of the Midwest Blue Oval Club? Here are a few simple rules and procedures for you to agree to prior to completing this membership application.

Membership dues are $20 per family per calendar year, January 1 – December 31.

  1.  To be eligible for membership in the Midwest Blue Oval Club you do not have to have something antique or fancy, just a willingness to participate in, or a desire to work for the club and to have fun while enjoying the company of enthusiast.
  2. Dues for the membership in this organization will be $20 per family per year. However, voting rights are restricted to those on the Board of Directors. You are welcome and encouraged to participate and any of our general meetings. We welcome your ideas, suggestions and concerns. Meeting are held in KC area and we will post on our website/Facebook/email date, time & location so members can attend.
  3. Applicants for membership must be at least 16 (sixteen) years of age. If you have a vehicle, you must be able to show proof of a minimum of PL (Personal Liability or Public Liability) and PD (Property Damage Liability) insurance coverage on your vehicles when asked by the president of the club.
  4. All members will conduct themselves in a respectable and orderly manner during club meetings and club activities. Also, all members must always remember that safety is the prime factor at all club events, activities, and meetings!
  5. All members and guests participating in an event shall abide by the motor vehicle code for the state concerned, and by the laws and regulations of the city, the county, or the circumstances involved. The welfare and reception of the club depends on the character it gains with the city, county, state and federal authorities. We are not irresponsible drivers. Any flagrant behavior shall result in the loss of a club member’s privileges, subject to the decision of the Board of Directors. We are judged by our actions!
  6. Members will immediately notify the Treasurer and the Secretary upon a change of mailing address, email address or telephone number.
  7. Failing to renew your membership by March 1st of the membership year constitutes your removal from all contact lists within the Midwest Blue Oval Club. A new membership application will need to be completed prior to reinstatement.
  8. Not in any manner will the membership be refunded to anyone that resigns from the organization.
  9. Unless otherwise specified in the By-Laws and Rules, Midwest Blue Oval Club, Rules of Order shall govern parliamentary procedures.

Note: Family is defined as immediate family members such as spouse and children under 18.

Club Memberships


The Midwest Blue Oval Club is now a member of the Specialty Equipment Marketing Association (SEMA). Being a member of SEMA allows the club more leverage to attract more sponsors for our shows. We look forward to bringing on board potential sponsors. For more information, go to


If your company or organization would like more information about us, please send an email to info@MidwestBlueOvalClub.com and one of our members will get back to you quickly.

Ford Enthusiast Club

The Midwest Blue Oval Club is an official club of Ford Performance. This is a very prestigous recognition of the club by Ford Performance. Without all of our hard work and dedicated members, this recognition would not have been possible. We urge you to visit the Ford Performance Enthusiast website to see anything performance.


Mustang Club of America

The Midwest Blue Oval Club is now a Ford club with a Mustang Club of America (MCA) charter. We have accomplished so many things over the past year and we are looking forward to see what the future will bring.

Being a charter member of the MCA, this gives our club more exposure to the Mustang community and affords our club with all the benfits of the MCA. Our members can join the MCA and enjoy all the benefits they have to offer. There are a lot of discounts with different vendors that are offered to all of the members of the MCA. Go to https://mustang.org.